Support the Union today!

Become a member and contribute monthly to the movement or Make a SOLIDARITY DONATION

As a tenants union, we are truly a community project. We are reliant entirely on grassroots, volunteer labour to sustain and build our movement. We are committed to working in solidarity with all precariously housed people, to fight for a housing system where people, not profits, are put first. We don’t have paid staff, but we do have expenses such as room hire, printing costs and various subscriptions. 

The three main sources of our income comes from union dues, solidarity donations, and community grants. At the moment we are not happy to use online payment platforms that charge per transaction. Soon we will be setting up a community crowdfunding project on a free platform with further potential match-funding through grants, so solidarity donations will be channelled through that. Watch this space!

Until then, the best ways to support us is to become a union member or donate via bank transfer. Please find instructions below. 



Payment instructions

  • 1. Choose your reference:

  • Reference for your union dues: “DUE/Your first name initial.Your last name” (E.g. JOIN/J.Bloggs)

  • Reference for donations: “DONATE/name is optional” (E.g. DONATE/Jane Anonymous)

  • 2. Send your payment via bank transfer to the following bank account, entering your chosen reference :

  • If you are paying your membership fee or setting up a standing order, at this point we trust your honesty and will not be requiring proof or your status. However, if you would like to send any documentation, email it to us.

Our email:


Find here more about our monthly membership contributions here